Upload Document to SharePoint Document library using PnP PowerShell



# Import PnP PowerShell module (assuming it's already installed)
Import-Module PnP.PowerShell

# Connect to SharePoint site using app registration or certificate authentication (replace with your details)
Connect-PnPOnline -Url <Your_SharePoint_Site_Url> -ClientId <App_Client_ID> -ClientSecret <App_Client_Secret>

# Define local file path and SharePoint library location
$localFilePath = "C:\Path\To\Your\Document.docx"
$destinationFolder = "/Shared Documents"  # Replace with target folder path (or omit for root library)

# Upload the file using Add-PnPFile cmdlet
Add-PnPFile -Path $localFilePath -Folder $destinationFolder -Values @{"Title" = "MyUploadedDocument.docx"}

# Optional: Confirmation message
Write-Host "Document uploaded successfully!"

Use code with caution.content_copy


  1. Import Module: The script starts by importing the PnP PowerShell module, assuming it’s already installed.
  2. Connect to SharePoint: Use Connect-PnPOnline to establish a connection to your SharePoint site. You’ll need to replace placeholders with your actual SharePoint site URL, app client ID, and client secret (for app registration authentication).
  3. Define Paths: Set the localFilePath variable with the path to your document on your local machine. Define the destinationFolder variable specifying the target folder within the SharePoint library (use a site-relative URL). If omitted, the file uploads to the library root.
  4. Upload the File: The core functionality lies in the Add-PnPFile cmdlet. It takes three arguments:
    • Path: Path to the local file.
    • Folder: Site-relative URL of the target folder (or omit for root library).
    • Values (optional): A hashtable containing metadata for the uploaded file. Here, we set the “Title” property to “MyUploadedDocument.docx”.
  5. Confirmation Message: (Optional) A Write-Host statement displays a confirmation message upon successful upload.

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