Data Table In Power apps


Data tables :-

Power Apps Data Table is a type of control that helps to display a bunch of data in a tabular format. The data table contains a Header for each field that the control displays. The Data table control contains the Selected property that directs to the selected row. Also, you can link the data table control to other controls.

Data in a Data table control is read-only. Customize the styling of individual columns is not available. A single row is always selected in a Data table control. Adding a Data table control in a form control is not available. Link a Data table control to a connected or local data source.Changing the height of all rows is not available.

To insert a data table in Power Apps, go to Insert tab -> Click on Data table -> then you can choose your desired one as shown below.

Here i am using share point list i.e electronics as data source.

Important Properties of Data Table :-

Items : The source of data that appears in the Data table control.

Here My Data source is SharePoint List “Electronics”

No Data Text : The message that the user receives when there are no records to show in the control.

Visible : A value (true/false) that determines whether the control appears or is hidden.

When it in true the control will be visible other wise it won’t appear on the app.

Width : The distance between the control’s left and right edges.

X : The distance between the left edge of the Data table control and the left edge of its parent container (or the left edge of the screen if there is no parent container).

Y : The distance between the top edge of the Data table control and the top edge of its parent container (or the top edge of the screen if there is no parent container).

While the Data table control is selected, in the right pane, click or tap the Advanced tab.

Click or tap the field for the HeadingFill property, and then change the value to RGBA(56,96,178,1).

Click or tap the field for the HeadingColor property, and then change the value to White.

Click or tap the field for the HeadingSize property, and then change the value to 25.

Note : Remaining properties are mostly about color , size and Fill properties by using them we can make the Data Table more Beautiful.

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