Deeplink Screen Navigation in Power Apps


Navigating between multiple screens (More than two Screens with Deeplink)

Navigate function in PowerApps:

  1. In Power Apps navigate function is a type of function that helps to change of your choice screen you want to display
  2. If Suppose there are two screens to be displayed of your choice screen1 or screen2
  3. Goto App Startscreen [ provide function]
If(Param("screen")="2", screen2,screen1)

Three screens Navigation in PowerApps

So Here the above function works for the two screens, If you want to navigate between the three or more screens

the function as follows :

Suppose we have screen1, screen2, screen3

Go to App StartScreen

If(Param("screen")="2", screen2, Param("screen")="3", screen3, screen1)

Here we have looked into functions of Screen Navigation

Lets see Deeplink (How the link will work with screen and item ID)

For the PowerApp link

  • Open the PowerApps
  • Click on Apps on the left bar
  • Select on the App then click on the settings i.e right in the app column (three dots)
  • then click on details
  • then copy the weblink below
  • After copying the weblink add &screen=screennumber&itemId=ID

which shown as:

In the above link where &screen=2

  • 2 defines the screen number (If there are three screens: screen1, screen2, screen3)
  • &screen=1 is screen1
  • &screen=2 is screen2
  • &screen=3 is screen3

Where ItemId =2

  • ID defines the default Id which fetches from the sharepoint list
  • Eg if there are 1-20 Id’s
  • &ItemId=2 defines the particular Id which stored in the SharePoint list.

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