
What is Delegation?

Delegation is a warning! in the PowerApps which it has the limitation of the data source items up to 2000 in the settings, by default we have the limit for 500 and we can extend the limit up to 2000 items and after 2000 if we need the data still to get into the PowerApps , then we need to use the required functions and those functions will show up the delegation warning.

Delegation minimize the data flow between the app and the data source.

Limit Change in PowerApps

The default number of records are 500, but we can change this number for an entire app

  • Select Settings.
  • Under General, change the Data row limit setting from 1 to 2000.

Delegable functions

  • Lookup, Search & Filter can be delegated
  • Sort & SortByColumns
  • SumAverageMin, and Max can be delegated (Aggregate functions)
  • AddColumnsDropColumnsRenameColumns, and ShowColumns supports partially
  1. And (includes &&), Or(includes ||), Not (includes !)
  2. In
  3. =, <>, >=, <=, >, <
  4. +, _
  5. Is Blank
  6. StartsWith, EndsWith

Non Delegable functions

  • First, FirstN, Last, LastN
  • Choices
  • Collect, ClearCollect
  • GroupBy, UnGroup
  • UpdateIf, CountIf, RemoveIf
  • Concat

The above functions cannot be delegable in the application.

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