Display selected item in Gallery using another Gallery control


Requirement: There is Gallery1 and Gallery2,When a user clicks on particular items of gallery 1 that respective details to be displays in gallery 2.

Instead of taking Form to display an selected item use gallery to display an selected item.

Create a blank canvas app, add label to the screen name it as Display Selected item in gallery 1, add label to declare gallery names and add Vertical gallery to the screen and connect to data.

Gallery 1: 
Items property- “Birthday wishes”

TemplateFill property- If(ThisItem.IsSelected,Color.AliceBlue, Color.Beige)
Selected item in gallery using gallery control

Now add another vertical gallery 2 next to the gallery 1

Gallery 2:
Items property- Filter(‘Birthday wishes’, Title= Gallery1.Selected.Title)

TemplateFill property- If(ThisItem.IsSelected,Color.Beige, Color.AliceBlue)

Selected item in gallery using gallery control

When the user select the item in gallery 1:

The selected item displays on gallery 2 as shown in below:

Selected item in gallery using gallery control

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