Export to Excel into local Desktop -PowerApps


Exporting the data of a gallery into Excel & download to local desktop

Create a New screen in the PowerApps

Insert a gallery as per you require, I selected a blank vertical gallery from the Insert option and provide the data source from SharePoint list

On the items property of gallery provide the data source

Now create a header above the gallery using labels or text inputs for the rows in gallery

Now we need to fetch the data of the gallery and save as a excel into OneDrive with a required name for the Excel

#Now create a Power Automate workflow Integrating through Power Apps to get the gallery items into Excel and save into OneDrive

  1. Insert action Create file for OneDrive business, this would be 2nd action.
  2. As 1st action will be by default from PowerApps

Flow named as Export to Excel flow

Provide the Inputs as required

  • Folder path – OneDrive location root
  • File Name – File name from ask in PowerApps
  • File Content – File content from ask in PowerApps

3. Third action would be Respond to PowerApp, Add an output inside the action as Output Complete passes when true

Getting back to PowerApps

–> create a button on the screen and provide the function on Onselect property as below

With({_ExportCSVVar:"First Name, FullName, Email, Country, CreatedBy"&Char(10)&Concat(Gallery2.AllItems,TitleLabel.Text&","&FNLabel.Text&", "&EmLabel.Text&", "&CnLabel.Text&", "&CrbLabel.Text&""&Char(10))},Set(sucessvar,ExporttoExcelflow.Run(Concatenate("ExcelCSV"&" "&Now()),_ExportCSVVar).complete));


  • With – With function evaluates a formula for a single record. This function can calculate a value and/or perform actions
  • _ExportCSVVar – creating the Excel file as a CSV
  • First Name, FullName, Email, Country, CreatedBy – these are the headers which we require to be in the Excel
  • Concat – it combines all the records, as a result of a formula applied to all the records
  • Gallery2.AllItems,TitleLabel.Text&”,”&FNLabel.Text&”, “&EmLabel.Text&”, “&CnLabel.Text&”, “&CrbLabel.Text – these are the labels which has taken in the gallery [which I renamed all the label names in the app]
  • Set(sucessvar,ExporttoExcelflow.Run – this is the set function, in this we provide the set variable and the integrated flow to run
  • Concatenate(“ExcelCSV”&” “&Now()),_ExportCSVVar) – combining the name of the Excel along with date & time and exporting as a csv file
  • .complete – providing the output from the automate flow, so when its completed the file have to start to download

>>>> so after the function, click on the button Export to Excel so that the Excel file would save in OneDrive

Click on the ellipses(3 dots) of the excel saved in OneDrive & select the option copy link

copy link of that excel & paste the link in Onselect property of the ‘Export to Excel’ button continuing along with the function provided previously by using ‘if’ condition

  • provide the Set variable = true within “” (double quotes)
  • Launching the Excel by copying the link & providing it in the launch function
  • &download=1 – it makes the file to download for a single time into the local folder/system

Now the Excel can get by clicking on the Export to Excel button and it will get download to local system

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