First, First N, Last, Last N, Index & Date formulas


1.First & First N :- First formula is used to get a first record in a data table.

First N formula is used to get a specific count of starting records in a data table

These formulas only work on Data table

Here i am connecting a data source “Electronics” to power apps. Electronics list is displayed in a data tables as shown below

First function will display first record as shown below

formula:- first(Electronics)

first n function will display a specific count of record as shown in image

Formula :- first N(Electronics,5)

2.Last & Last N:- Last formula is used to get a Last record in a data table.

Last N formula is used to get a specific count of Last records in a data table

These formulas only work on Data table

Last will display the last item in electronics in which last item is 15th one as shown below

formula :- Last (Electronics)

Last N will display the specific records from last of data source. here last 5 records are displaying in data table by using Last N formula as shown below

Formula :-Last N(Electronics,5)

We can use first and last functions in different ways as shown below

3. Index formula:- Index formula is used to display a specific indexed record.

Here the record which is indexed as 8 will be displayed in below image.

Formula:- Index(Electronics,8)

4. Date formulas :- we can hard code a particular date by using this function “Date”

when we require to display today date we can use “today” function

when we require to display today date and time we can use “Now” function

we can display a day of this week by using this function “Day(Today())”

Month of this year will display by using this function “Month(Today())”

We can display the year by using this function “Year(Today())”

Today Date will also be displayed as shown below

Week day function will display which day is today in this week

We can Hard code a Time function by using this formula.

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