Office365 Groups in Power apps


Office 365 Groups lets you manage group membership and calendar events in your organization using your Office 365 account. You can perform various actions such as get group roster, add or remove members and create group events.

  1. Office365 Groups
  2. Check the current user is in the specified office365 group
  3. Display and Filter users from the office 365 group in the App

Go to Office 365 Admin center ->Active teams and groups ->Add a group

Group type :- you can choose the type of the group like Microsoft 365 groups, Distribution groups, Security groups, Mail enabled Security groups, Shared mailboxes, Dynamic distribution group.

Basics :- Here you can give name and description to your group

Owners :- We can assign owners to our group.

Members :- you can add members to our group.

Settings :- we can provide group email address and visibility to the private or public .

After the group is created you can use the group in the power apps.

To see your group in Azure active directory Go to Search Bar and search for “Azure active directory”

Open the dashboard & Go to “find a group” to search for your group .

Now we can see our group here

To view the group click on it .

To use the group in power apps first create a canvas app

Add the “Office 365 Groups” to the power apps as shown below

Now insert a “Data table” to the app

Add the office 365 groups to the data table, But it won’t display anything in the data table.

So to display the “office 365 groups ” in the data table lets create a collection.

onstart(app) :-

formula : collect(powerappgroup, office365Groups.ListGroupMembers(“id of the group”,{‘$top’:5}).value)

Now run the app in the onstart property.

Now add the collection to the Data table as shown below.

Edit the fields to display them on the data table.

Now the members in the group are displayed on the data table

To filter the users in the group use the filter function in the items property of the data table. Insert a text input to filter the users in the data table.

Items(Data table) :-

formula :Filter(powerappgroup, TextInput.textn in displayName)

Run the app and filter the users by using text input.

To check whether the user in the group is there or not just insert an circle icon and write a formula in the fill property of the icon to display green when the user is there or red when the user is not there in the group.

formula :- If(user().Email in powerappgroup.mail,Green,Red)

Here the user is not in the group so it is displaying in red color .

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