What is power Apps ?


Power Apps is an initiative by Microsoft that lets you Quickly build and share powerful low-code applications.

Power App is a suite of apps , services and connectors as well as a data platform that provide a rapid development environment to build custom apps for your business needs with low code . Using power apps you can easily and quickly build custom business apps that connect to your data stored either in the underlying data platform [Microsoft Data verse ] or in various online and on-premises data sources (such as share point, Microsoft365, Dynamics 365,SQL server and so…on )

Apps built using power apps provide rich business logic and workflow capabilities to transform your manual business operations into digital, automated processes.

First Go To power Apps studio by opening new tab and search for “make. power apps.com “ or you can open it from app launcher in Microsoft 365 home page. it will display as shown below :

Step 1:-

Here you can see the home page of power apps which includes left navigation where you will be provided with some features to create a new app or you can connect with different data sources

Types of power apps:-

There are 3 types of apps 1.Canvas app

2.Model Driven app


Here you can see the types of Apps

Step 2 :- Go To left navigation select “create” to create a new App and select a “blank app”.

about canvas app:-

  1. Canvas App:- Canvas apps allow you to interface easily with positioning controls and fields in a “pixel-perfect” user experience.

It works with user interfaces like you can drag and drop the user controls and also you can connect with different data connections like share point , SQL , One drive and Microsoft 365 connectors in the back end . here you can’t add any client side code. Design is better. canvas app is not responsive in nature.

Types of canvas app:- There are two types of formats in canvas app They are

1.Tablet and


Step 3:-

First Go To tablet form and select create. It will display as shown below.

Step 4:-

Canvas app preview (Tablet)

Here you will see the blank tablet canvas app. In this you can see a modern command bar .here also a few ways to start building an app from a blank canvas where you can create a form or gallery. skip this welcome window. now you can able to see the view looks like tablet view

Now will see the over view of the canvas app with newly updated features. To enable new features we just need to

Go To “settings” and select “upcoming features” and select the options which you need to access .

Step 5:-

After enabling new features in settings we will see the new look which includes modern command bar and updated left and top Navigation .

The top navigation includes

Insert:- The insert tab includes many controls with which we perform different tasks by assigning different functions to them. Ex: Text labels, Buttons, Text inputs, Galleries, AI builder etc.

Add data:- where we add data Tables or we can add data from default connectors like share point ,SQL, One drive, Microsoft 365 connectors etc. and we can also add custom connectors.

New screen:- you can insert different screens with different layouts and scenarios.

Layouts :- Blank Scenarios:- Blank

split screen Scroll able

sidebar Success

Header,main section,footer Tutorial etc.

Theme:- Themes will be used to display the app in different colors or formats for customization

Background color & image:- Here you can set background color or image from you organization

settings:- you can enable different settings here like general settings, Display settings, upcoming features, support environment.

The left navigation includes

Tree view:- will display all the screens and controls on which we are performing at present

Media :- media tab enable us to upload any media like images or video and any audio files to use in our apps

power automate:- Here we can create flows to process our business data.

Advanced tools:- This tab includes ‘Monitor’ which monitor activity within your app to understand performance and identify bugs & Tests where we can write tests to validate that your app is working as expected.

Search:– here we can search for media, text, data sources, formulas and more.

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