Creating an HTML Table using SharePoint in Power Automate Flow.


Requirement: Creating an HTML Table using SharePoint in Power Automate Flow

Initially need to create a SharePoint list which needs to connect with the flow

Here is the SharePoint List as “Leave List”

  • Create an Automated Flow from Home Page
    • Step1: Click on + Create
    • Step2:Click on Scheduled flow and Provide a name to the Flow
    • Step3: Click on Create button
  • Insert an action ‘Get items’ to get SP data
    • Provide Site Address
    • Give a list name
    • Add filterquery as LeaveStatus(Columnname) eq ‘Pending’
  • Add an action ‘create HTML Table’ to the flow, add a custom values, header as columns names from the list when it comes to values add them from get items sp list
  • Add an action ‘Send an Email(V2)’ to get mail after creating table.
table, th, td {
  border: 1px Solid black;

<h2>TD elements define table cells</h2>

<table style="width:38%">

  • Now Save the Flow and run the flow
  • After Running the flow here the Output in table format Title, SelectType, LeaveType, Depatment

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