CSV table in Power Automate Flow


Requirement: Create a csv table using Power automate flow

Firstly +Create from Home page take Schedule flow

  • Trigger as “Schedule flow- Recurrence”
  • Action as “Get items”
  • Add another action “Create CSV Table”

Step1: Trigger “Recurrence”

Step2: Add action “Get items” in that add

Site Address:- Site Url,

List Name:- List name of SP site,

Filter Query :- LeaveStatus eq ‘Pending’

Step3: Add action “Create CSV table”

From:- Value from get items of SP list

Header and value are taken from Sp list get items value

Step4: Add an Action “Send an email(V2)”


table, th, td {
  border: 1px Solid black;

<h2>TD elements define table cells</h2>

<table style="width:48%">


 Output: Mail received as

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