Instant Cloud Flow in Power Automate


Instant Flow :- instant flow will trigger manually. Start an automation with a click of a button. You can automate for repetitive tasks from your Desktop or Mobile devices. For example, instantly send a reminder to the team with a push of a button from your mobile device.

Go to power automate -> create -> Instant Flow -> Manually trigger a flow -> Create

Add “Get items” Action to the flow To Get the items into the flow.

First, and of primary consideration, the Get items action only works with lists, whereas the Get files action only works with libraries.

Now Save and Test the flow by Manually.

Item limits

The default item limit is 100 and items are paginated by default as well.

If you are using the default options, and simply specifying the site address and list or library name, Power Automate returns 100 items from the list or library.

If you are working with large lists, you can increase this limit up to the list view threshold limit of 5,000.

Result of the flow will be shown here

When we select “Click to download” option the items will be displayed which are in the list.

Top Count :- To specify the number of items to be returned, expand the Advanced options, and specify the number in the Top Count action property.

If you go beyond 5,000 item limit, Power Automate fails and generates an error dialog.

Limit items to a specific folder

By default, this action returns all items or files in the list or library, recursively, from all folders, if available. You can change this behavior by doing the following:

  • To select a specific folder in the list or library, use Limit Entries to Folder property.
  • To limit entries to that specific folder or within all sub-folders, use Include Nested Items property.

Order by query

To order items based off of a column either in ascending or descending order, you can also specify an order by query.

Here i am giving a top count to 4

When i run the flow the top 4 items will be displayed as shown below.

Limit columns returned by view

List views is a useful configuration where you can customize what columns to show along with any other conditions or groupings of list items. This is not only useful for users, but also for any other computation you want to do using that view data.

To retrieve the list items along with their columns, select the Get items and Get files actions. However, retrieving the columns retrieves all the columns. While this is useful, it could be excessive when you only need to work with a specific set of columns configured in a specific view.

To limit your column retrieval, in the Get items and Get files actions, expand Advanced options, select the Limit columns by view option. While retrieving list items, you can now limit the columns by view

Here i am giving a Filter Query as “Camera eq 1200”. to get an item in the column “Camera” which is having the value as 1200.

After the flow runs the only item which we have filtered will be get when click on the download items.

Now lets update a city column value of item India with some value for that we need to use filter query .

Filter queries

This action also supports specifying filter queries so you can filter items on the server. Using filter queries are as functional as filtering the returned results in your flow in Power Automate.

We support the following OData filter queries in SharePoint that you can use:

  • Filter by column name:
Title eq 'India'

Title is the column name used with the operator equals (eq), and India is the value of the column.

We support the following query methods and operators.

Numeric comparisons

  • lt
    • less than
  • le
    • less than or equals
  • gt
    • greater than
  • ge
    • greater than or equals
  • eq
    • equals
  • ne
    • not equal

String comparisons

  • startsWith
  • substringOf
  • eq
  • ne

Add “Update item” action to the flow and Give a name in the city column to update it into the list.

After flow runs The list will be updated as shown below where the city column is updated with Hyderabad

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