Populate Word Template using Power Automate


Requirement: Populating Word Template using Power Automate flow.

Create Word document in Desktop, Using Developer create a template.

  1. Click on File from Main tab
  2. If the Developer tab is not added to the main tab go to the File select Options,
  3. Custom ribbon,
  4. Main tabs,
  5. select the Developer tab add in Main tab.
4 and 5

Add details then select the fields to populate , select plain text content control, then properties control.

Select the item Age go to the Plain text content control then select properties control. On Title and Tag modify the item name then click on Ok button.

Save the document “test template”  and upload in SharePoint document library as click on New button from document library + add a template, then upload the template.

SP Document library adding template

Here is the template added from the previous steps.

Now create SharePoint list “Test Template”, add the items to the list as the items were provided in the word template.

Now Create an Automated flow, use Trigger as When an item is created or modified. Add site address and List name

Add an action Populate a Word Microsoft Template from word online business. Provide Location, document library, File, Name, address, age from dynamic contents.

Add create file action. Provide site address, Folder Path, File name from Dynamic contents and File content from word template.

Add delay action count for 5 seconds.

Add Convert Word Document to PDF action. Provide Location, Document library name, File name from dynamic contents.

Add Create file action for creating a file after the word template converted to pdf. Provide site address, folder path, file name from dynamic content, File content from converted Word to pdf.

Now Save and Run the flow. Modify the data in list and check in the sharepoint document library after running the flow successfully the item is created in SharePoint document library.

Modify the item in the list
Flow run successfully
Output of the flow word document converted to pdf

After flow running check the SharePoint document library. The Word to PDF converted as shown in below:

By this the Person name, address, and age will be updated automatically.

Word Template
Template converted to Pdf

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