Power automate list rows present in a table filter query contains


Requirement: Power Automate list rows present in a table filter query contains operator.

The contains operator checks whether the collection or array of items contains a specific item or not. And if it contains it will return true else return false.

The syntax for contains operator is


Use contains operator in filter query of List rows present in a table-Excel.

I have an Excel file called “EmployeeInfo”, from the Manager column to extract information that contains ‘Bijaj’.

Now In Power Automate, select the Manually triggered flow. Then click on the Next step.

Select List rows present in a table action, and then provide the Location, Document Library, File, and Table of Excel table.

Then click on Show advanced options, in the Filter query field write the below expression.

contains(Manager, 'Bijaj')

Now to see the filter results we will create an Html table, so click on the Next step and then select Create Html table action.

In the From Field select value from the dynamic content. Then click on Show Advanced options change the column field Advanced to customs. Then Map the excel value with the headers like below.

Now click on Save and run the flow manually. You can see the result in the output of create Html table.

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