Modify SharePoint Item using Power Automate Flow


Requirement: SharePoint Item Modified with Power automate flow. When the item is modified in SharePoint list then the flow will trigger and sends a email and the item is modified.

Create an Automated cloud flow. add a trigger When an item or a file is Modified , Click on Create button after providing name to the flow. Next add the Site Address and SharePoint list.

Add the Send an email(V2) action to the flow in that give the mail ID , write the Subject and in body write the SharePoint field names from the SharePoint list and add dynamic contents from the trigger. Then Save the flow and Test the flow.

Go to the SharePoint list modify any one of the item.

After that go to the power automate the flow will Succeed and the trigger the mail- On Email Click on Click Here it will redirect to the SharePoint and the Item was modified.

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