Single level Approval flow to reduce looping in Power automate using Expressions


Requirement: Single level Approval flow to reduce looping in power automate flow using Expressions.

Single level approval flow, to read the comments, to approval or rejection, the flow will add loop automatically though it is not given.

So Create a Manually trigger a flow, add an start and wait for an approval action. Select the approval type as First to respond then Provide the Title , Assigned To, Details

Title: Testing for avoid Looping
Assigned To : Provide the email which want to assign
Details : Please provide comments

To see what is the outcome of the approval flow. So add a Condition action select outcome from dynamic content is equal to Approve.

Then on Yes part add an compose action, select Responses comments from dynamic content it automatically adds an apply to each action.

Now save and Run the flow. There are Three ways to check the approvals One Outlook, Another Process is Teams Approvals

Requested approval, Click on Approve or Reject button. Then Approved mail as Testing for avoid looping, save as PDF.

Another Option to Approve the Approvals from the Home page, it display on Received columns after approving it disappears from their.

Add an another compose to the start and wait for approval, select Outcome from dynamic control.

And Now add Compose action on Yes part and Provide the expression to the input:


Now save and run the flow without getting the loop the comments has provided

Flow run successfully, and without using loop the single level approval flow sent approval mail using expression on compose without looping the action.

This is to avoid unnecessary action in flow and use API calls. It helps when user plans for a larger flows.

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