Content Types and Site Columns in SharePoint Online


Site Column :- Site column is a reusable column which we can use in multiple places in a site. we can use the site columns in lists or libraries.

Site column Creation :-

Go To site action gear -> site contents

Go To site settings

Here we can see the Web Designers Galleries

Go To site columns

We can see many site columns here which are already existed . Lets create a new site column

Here i am creating a new site column which is a choice column. We can create many type of columns which are shown below

Create a new group or we can use an existing group. You can add different choices required for you in different displays like Drop downs or Radio buttons or Check boxes.

Update Lists :- Where you can Update all list columns based on the site columns. when you change in site column it will update in list column.

Once you create a site column it will display in the site column list

Adding site column to a list :- To add any site column to a list just go to particular list settings There you can see an option i.e “Add from Existing site column” Here we can add the site column to the list.

Go To Add From existing site columns

Here i have added site column to the list and select OK

After Adding Site column to the list you can see an column is added to the list here i.e. “M365 Application”

When you are creating a new item the site column will include in that list item view.

Content Type Creation :- A SharePoint content type pulls together an item and information about the item. The item might be one of many different kinds of files, a document, an excel workbook, or even a status indicator for a progress report. It could also be a list or a folder. A content type associates this item with key metadata or other information such as a template or a retention policy.

Go To site settings -> site content types

When you open the site content types The site content types which are already existed in the list will be shown here.

Lets create a new content type. Here you have to Name it and add your content type under any parent content type. We can create a new group or add your content type to an existing group.

After creation of a content type the full details of your content type will display as shown below.

You can change the content type name, Description and Group

In advanced settings you can make it read only and update all content types .

After creation of content type it will add to the content type list.

Now we can add the site column to our content type.

We can add the content type to the list . But first we need to enable “Allow management of content types” in Advanced settings.

Now go to the list settings in which we need to add the content type . In list settings we can able to see content types option There we can add the content type to our list.

After adding content type to our list that will be displayed when your going to add new item in the list as shown below.

To display every column in the content type we can add them from all items view of a list.

After adding the columns to the list the list will be displayed with all the columns .

So finally we have created site column and inserted into list by going to the respective list settings.

we have also created site content type and added site column to site content type or we can also add a new column but we can’t add list columns here.

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