SharePoint Time Zone for users


 Requirement: Set a Proper SharePoint Time Zone for Users.

  • Users from various regions or time zones access an organization SharePoint Online site. So it is important to set the time zonelanguages, etc. for SharePoint sites, so that the users will see the time properly.
  • Users are familiar with their local time zone. For example, If user schedule a meeting in a particular country (time zone) and invite another user who is presented in another time zone, then the user will prefer to see the meeting time in the local time zone.

There are 2 types of time zone settings in SharePoint: Regional and Personal.

  • Regional setting controls time zone for the site – this the default time zone that every user will inherit. This setting is controlled by the Administrator.
  • Personal setting is something each user has control over and the control to override Administrative default setting.

Regional Setting:

Regional (Administrative setting). It is important to note that the Regional Setting is set for each site separately. If user set the time zone at the top site of the site collection, it would not propagate automatically to sub-sites. Time zone regional setting needs to be set for each site separately.

To change the regional settings for a SharePoint site (obviously need to be an Admin to accomplish this):

  1. Open the SharePoint site on which need to change the Time Zone.
  2. On the Site Actions menu, choose Site Settings.
  3. On the Site Settings page, under Site Administration, choose Regional settings.
  4. On the Regional Settings page, select the Time Zone that need for this site, and then choose the OK button

SharePoint Site Home Page

SharePoint Site Setting

SharePoint site information

SharePoint Site Administration

SharePoint Site settings> Regional settings

SharePoint Time Zones

SharePoint Regional settings > ok Button

Personal Setting

Process of Personal setting there are 2 options to set in proper time zone

Option 1:

Go to SharePoint Administrator sets the corresponding time zone for each user who is not located in “default” (Regional) SharePoint time zone. That can be done by accessing SharePoint Admin Centre > User Profiles > Manage User Profile. From there, each user profile can be adjusted accordingly.

Option 2:

Each user can change his or her time zone on their own. To do this, follow the following steps:

1. Click on the profile icon in the top-right hand corner. Click on About Me from the drop-down

2. From  profile page, click on Edit Your Profile (appears on the right-hand-side of the screen)

3. From the Edit Screen that appears, click on the 3 dots (next to Details)

4. From the pop-up that appears, select Language and Region

5. On the next screen, select time zone. You also want to make sure that under Change  Settings, the radio button is selected next to “Always use my personal settings”. If not, make sure to select that radio button.

6. Once done, click Save all and close at the bottom of the screen. You are all set and the time zone will be reflected next time you go to SharePoint Site.

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