Get month name from date in Power Apps


Requirement: how to get the month name from a date in Power apps Datepicker.

Create a SharePoint list,  “Employees”

  • Employee Name: Person or group column
  • Address: Single-line text column
  • Contact: Number column
  • Join Date: Date and time column
  • Department: Choice column (i.e., IT, Finance, HR, Manager)
  • Manager: Single line of text column

PowerApps get month name from the date

Create a Blank Canvas app > Add edit form to the screen > Connect to the data

Here is a Power Apps Edit form named Employee Registration Form.

Within the form, Can view several fields (Employee NameContact, etc.) along with a Date field named Join Date. All the fields are retrieved from a SharePoint list.

The user will now enter the Join Date along with the other entries in the Power Apps form. The month name will be extracted from the selected date when the user chooses a specific date from the date picker control.

Connect edit form to data, see all the fields will retrieve from the SharePoint list to edit form as below:

DataSource = Employees

How to get month name from date in Power Apps

Need to get the month’s name from the selected date. That means if the user selects a date as “4/10/2023,” then it will display the month’s name as “April” in a label control.

Add a label control inside the Join Date DataCard and place it under the date picker control.

Text=  "The joining month is " & Text(DataCardValue4.SelectedDate, "[$-en-US]mmmm")

where DataCardValue4 is the name of the data card value of the Join Date data card. To display only the month’s name, used “mmmm.”

How to get month name from date PowerApps

Click on Preview the app and fill the details and select date from the date picker control.

Extract month name from date field in Power Apps

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